
- Shadow Sharpness! Now you can modify the sharpness of the shader

- Few optimization on scripts
- New noise sample

-Added new versions for transparency textures and masked opacity

-Big performance optimization changes.
-Now there wont be any Fresnel/Emisive shaders, all of those options are available on all the shaders.
-All the custom inspectors are HIGHLY optimized and will run smoother.
-New fresnel option: Fresnel Bias
-Now there wont be any separated VC Outline shaders, VC outline can be activable on all the shaders.
-More compatibility with PlayStation, Nintendo consoles and Xbox
- Now an EmissionTexture can be used instead of only a Guide. Just leave the Emission Color as white, and place an emission texture with all the colors you want. (If you only want a emission guide, you can still work like always)

1.3-- Added new shader:
- Glass


AnimeCelShadingShader1.7.unitypackage 1 MB
Jan 03, 2021